Breathwork Facilitator Training

April 1-May 1 Breathwork Facilitator Training Level 1


This Breathwork Facilitator Training is a stand-alone training and also a prerequisite for in person in Nosara, Costa Rica (July and September), Valle Crucis, NC (August).

Curriculum is both in person, group experiences on Tuesday and Thursdays (please note time zone) and pre-recorded, self-paced journeys into the theory and practice of breathwork within The Body of Breath method. Once registered, you will have the option to begin right away with your personal practices.


As a BONUS to get you started NOW, we will be gathering through February and March for live and recorded sessions to get the creative juices flowing to start you on the path of clarity with your own practice and sit alongside teachers who have been using this work already in some fashion. The pre-training schedule will be posted soon, and all sessions will be added into the Circle app for you to access when you need them.

Content of course:

  • Breathwork Basics
  • History of Modern Breathwork
  • Unity philosophy for householders: Understand the value of allowing all of life to inform evolution process.
  • Adaptations to breathwork
  • Conscious Communication practices
  • Cuing techniques for refining your command of delivering a powerful experience to students
  • Physiology of breath in relationship to nervous system and emotional regulation
  • Pattern recognition and refining observation skills for adaptations in your delivery
  • Movement inquiry and what comes from deepening your inner explorations
  • Cellular repatterning: theory and practice in integration
  • Access inspirational practices from Ashley’s decades-long private library
  • Learn to theme your offerings and share your experience in an authentic voice
  • Resonance marketing and creating structure to organize your professional work

Tuesdays/Thursdays 5-7pm ET. $695 early registration (prior to March 1) Late Registration, March 1 and after $750

Sign up now and receive a bonus 1:1 session with Ash (A $150 value)