Catherine Cheong

The Body of Breath Breathwork Facilitator

About Catherine

Catherine Cheong is a Breathwork Facilitator based on beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia. She is a certified Tradition Hindu Hatha Yoga Teacher (200hr) and recently received her Breathwork training from Ashley herself, in 2021.

Catherine had been practicing different breathing techniques since 2018, from Pranayamas to the Wim Hoff Method. It wasn’t until 2020 when she had her first conscious connected circular breathing session that she realized this was going to be her life’s purpose.
That session brought up a sense of deep remembering within Catherine and how truly powerful the breath is. That same year 2 of Catherine’s close friends passed away. She used breathwork as a tool to help her move through deep grief and emotions she had difficulty expressing. Experiencing the massive leaps in change in health, mental clarity, and spiritual connection, she felt called to go deeper in this and get her facilitator training. In 2021 she traveled to Costa Rica and received her Body of Breath training with Ashley. After shedding many layers, tears, and old stories she was ready to bring these teachings back to Canada and started on her journey.

She jumped right into facilitating private 1-1 sessions and was in complete awe. Witnessing her clients ability to dive into the depths they were going was so powerful and beautiful. For the first time in her life she felt like she was finally fulfilling her purpose. To be of Service to others in the journey called Life. Safety is of utmost importance to her when holding space. Catherine encourages her clients to breathe into spaces of reclamation and trust, while understanding that whatever needs to arise in these sessions are showing up because they are ready to be looked at.

Her clients have called her a guiding light that allows them to feel safe and held, giving them the opportunity to breathe deep into spaces they didn’t know still resided within them.

Catherine wouldn’t be where she is today without the support of her family, friends, teachers and healers who have all been a huge part of her journey to where she is today. She is filled with deep unconditional love for each and everyone one of them.

Trainings & Certifications

  • Body of Breath mentorship and training program with Ashley Ludman (2022/23)
  • Certified Breathwork Facilitator – The Body of Breath with Ashley Ludman (2021)